Thursday, November 19

Stora Enso: The brighter side?

Last week I got feedback saying that Stora Enso has done also positive things in Brazil. Has it really? Here is a list of details Stora Enso, Aracruz Cellulose and Veracel have promised to the people of Eunapolis city.

- Respecting the environment.
Unilateral eucalyptus farming leads to monoculture: people aren't farming corn or grain. In few decades the soil won't have enough minerals. The staff of these plantations have also encouraged small landowners to farm eucalyptus. The question remains: is that a good or a bad thing?

- Fostering a better quality of life.
In 2003, Veracel organized extensive training to 2.300 about sustainable forestry management. They also ran educational campaigns considering the rational use of water and selective waste collection.

- Generation of employment.
Stora Enso, Aracruz Cellulose and Veracel have counted, that the plants will potentially employ 3.000-7.000 people. According to Helsingin Sanomat, at this point there are 741 employees.

- Following the principles of sustainability.
The firms promise to preserve and recover the native forestry and biodiversity. Is it really so? "The Mata Atlantica", Atlantic rainforest, is one of worlds diverse areas. In 1955 the Mata Atlantica covered 85 percent of the acreage, now the quantity has decreased to 4 percent.
But on the other hand, Veracel has also launched a program which produced native seedlings of rainforest tree species. The goal is to recover the ecosystem.

Helsingin sanomat, articles 15.6.2009 and 5.9.2009 by Jarkko Lyytinen and Tommi Nieminen.

Writer: Katja

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